Year 2 fun
Our Year 2 topics this year...
Autumn Term Play Pals Toy Story
Spring Term Long Long Ago Lets Explore
Summer Term Flash Bang Boom Ready Steady Go
Play Pals
As part of our Play Pals topic, Year 2 designed their own play parks. We used a range of materials and we had to think carefully about how we could stick parts together.
Here are the finished play parks.
Don't they look good?
Year 2 have been investigating forces and gravity. We went on a trip to the Castle play park in Castlederg to explore forces. We also listened to a story called 'Shark in the Park' and used our telescopes to find the shark.
Year 2 have been learning how to write instructions. Everyone wrote a playground treasure hunt and then partners needed to read the instructions to find the treasure.
We did it! We found the treasure!
Toy Story
Year 2 made our very own catapult toys. We tested them to find out which material was the best for the catapult and which ammunition travelled furthest. The paper cup and the big marshmallow was the winning toy. Have a look at our toys below!
Bring your toy to school day!
Jingle has arrived!
Away in a Manger
Christmas Nativity 2018
Christmas dinner 2018
Santa arrived at Edwards 2018
Christmas Pantomine and Party
World Book Day 2019
Long Long Ago
Watch out for the dinosaurs!